Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thanksgiving was great!  The dinner was yummy.  It was nice to be able to visit with most of the Lovell Family.  We missed Kjerstin, Megan, Teresa and their cute families.  And Falcon, Blake and his wife. Addy got to visit for a while but had to leave before the dinner to get back to Logan to work.  :(  I hope the cherry pie was yummy.
Yummy Pie!

Cole, Taleena & Erika

Playing Games after Thanksgiving Dinner
As I sit here trying to figure out what to write so much is going through my mind.  Cole starts radiation tomorrow.  He and Taleena are doing well and they continue to have the best attitude and outlook on life through  this whole "experience".  They are amazing.
I have struggled with some news that I, for several weeks, didn't want to really think about and I didn't want to tell Cole and Taleena knowing that they are going through so much I didn't want to add to their stress.  But during their visit for Thanksgiving I decided I needed to tell them that Grandma Mary (my Mom) had a mastectomy last week.  Her cancer came back but the very good news was they caught it very early and she will not need radiation or chemo.  She will be fine, another very tender mercy that it was discovered and taken care of.  Now she is recovering and doing well.  Sore and tender but doing well.  We went to see her and my dad yesterday and she looked very good.  She is a beautiful woman and I'm grateful for her.  
I'm so blessed to have such great friends and family with so much support on both sides, the Hatch's and the Lovell's.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

If any of you have not head the song "Blessings" by Laura Story you should google it.  It is a great song that puts our trials into perspective. I know trials truly test us and I believe in miracles and faith.
Cole got another week to recover.  His blood counts weren't where they needed to be for him to have chemo.  Next week he should have his short week of chemo then the following week he will start radiation.  The following 6 weeks will be tough.  Thanks for all your prayers and support. 
A great friend of ours took Cole fishing yesterday.  He taught Cole how to fly fish.  Cole had a wonderful day!  Thanks Phil!
Addy is going to be able to come down for a few days but has to be back work Thursday evening.  It will be great to see her.  She is doing well in Logan, but she misses scenic Enoch ;)

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Cole had an MRI on Monday.  We were very happy to find out that his tumor that was the size of a cantalope is now the size of a golfball!!  We were very happy to hear such great progress is being made.  He will now start radiation starting on Nov. the 26th.  For 5 weeks the radiation will be targeted to the large area where the tumor is and was.  The 6th week they will then focus the radiation only on the tumor.  He will continue chemo every other week, Monday through Friday.
It will be a hard 6 weeks but he is tough and we pray all will go well.
The Dr. said his bone where the cancer formed will always be weak and he will have to be careful... Cole being careful might be possible?!  I think he will somewhat because the Dr. said if it every gets broken or fractured there won't be anything they can do for it and it will be very painful.  I tried to get him to promise me that he would be careful but he just smiled.  He wants us to bring the motorcycles to the Thanksgiving gathering.  If you have seen the movie "Little Giants"?  It's a movie about a  little league football team and one of the Mom's sends her son to practice all bundled up in foam pads to protect him.  I told Cole I would make him one of those protective outfits!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

We talked to Cole and Taleena earlier today.  They are doing pretty good.  It was a long week but he was able to have chemo.  He did have to have a transfusion on Wednesday and that helped. 
Tomorrow is a big day, time for the MRI to let us know what progress has been made.   Thanks to everyone for the prayers and those that were able to fast with us.  I know our prayers are heard and our fast recognized. 
Tuesday they meet with the surgeon to see if he will have surgery or radiation.  I'll keep you all posted!