Sometime during the first part of December, Cole started telling us that the back upper part of his leg was hurting. At first we figured he must have pulled a muscle. But it didn't get better. In fact his leg would go numb off and on. We figured he must have hurt his back to cause the pain and numbness, but Cole couldn't think of anytime that he could have harmed his back.
At the end of the Spring semester, Cole and Taleena were heading to Texas to sell alarm systems. Cole went to a doctor before he left and the doctor gave him some stretches to do to help his back muscles. He told him if the stretches didn't help that it wasn't muscle related and he would need to get an MRI to figure out what was going on.
So off to Texas they went. Cole would have good days and bad days until it got to the point that he was in extreme pain and called one morning telling me he was on his way to the emergency room because he was in so much pain.
His experience in the hospital was terrible. The emergency doctor basically treated Cole as if he was just there to get pain meds. Cole tried to tell him he needed an MRI and the doctor just got obstinate and said "Do you want pain medicine or not?" Of course he did, but he also wanted to find out what was wrong. Needless to say Cole and Taleena left the hospital pretty frustrated.
About a week later they went to a different hospital and there they got some help. They were referred to a doctor but that also lead to a dead end still not getting the MRI Cole needed. Duke and I both asked Cole if he had talked to the bishop to get a blessing. That Sunday they were able to talk to the bishop and he gave Cole a blessing. In the blessing Cole was told that he needed to take care of it now. They packed up the next day and the following morning left for Utah.
Cole and Taleena went to see her family and spend the 4th of July there before coming to Cedar to see the doctors here. While they were in Sanpete they ran into my sister Janeen and her son Morgan. They visited with them and I got a call that night from a very concerned sister. She said Cole didn't look good and she was very worried. I am thankful for that call because I might have passed off my feeling as being a paranoid mother but since she saw it too I knew I was not just being over protective. I made an appointment for him on the morning of the 6th. When they left the doctor's office they were told the hospital would call and let them know when his appointment would be to get the MRI.
We waited and waited and no call. Seeing your child in pain put a parent into action/ fix it mode. I called the hospital and they said the lady scheduling wouldn't be in until Monday. I called the doctors office and asked them if they could fax Cole's information down to St. George and we would go there. I felt such urgency and wanted it done as soon as possible. They said they could do that. About 20 minutes later we got a call from the Cedar Hospital telling us they could get Cole in within 40 minutes for the MRI. This was an answer to my prayers.
On Monday they had an appoinment with the doctor to let them know the results of the MRI. I was at the school trying to get my class organized when I got the call from Cole. When I answered Cole said, "I have cancer." I started to say, "are you kidding" but by his tone I knew he wouldn't tease me about such a serious matter and I broke down. When I got control I asked him what the doctor had said. The doctor thought it was Ewings Sarcoma but more tests would have to be run to make sure.
That night our whole family went to be with Cole and Taleena. That day was one of the hardest days ever. Duke and Jake, gave Cole and Taleena blessings that night and we are very encouraged that all will be well. It is the journey to get to that end that will be the challenge. Cole and Taleena have such faith and I know that they will be blessed through this expereince. When I start to get anxious I remember the blessing and know Cole will be well again.
Our Dr. in Cedar refered Cole to a surgeon in Salt Lake that specializes in that type of cancer and they made an appointment to see him. Before they went up north, Cole had a CT scan, another MRI and a bone scan. In Salt Lake they took a biopsy and said it would take a week to get the results. So we decided to take the family and go on our planned vacation along the Oregon Coast.
The whole family (minus Kurtis because of working conflicts) loaded up in the motor home for a week long party! It started off really good, beautiful senery and it was great being together, but the last few days Cole's medicine was not working and the pain was getting really bad. I panicked a few times and wanted to just get home. We made it back to Salt Lake to his appointment and met with the medical oncologist. The doctors had decided that the tumor was too large to remove so the first step in the process would be chemo to shrink the tumor.
We had a few scares before Cole started chemo July 31st. His leg started swelling and he gained 15 pounds in his leg. This basically happened overnight. After the first day of chemo it went down 3 pounds then the following day another 3 pounds and by the end of the weekend it was back to normal. Another miracle and answer to many prayers and fasting. Thank you all for your prayers! They have brought tender mercies to our family.
Cole had two sessions of chemo that first week. Then he had the next week off. The next week he had chemo everyday for 3-5 hours. He has had side effects after each week but he has kept a good attitude and he is our hero. Taleena is our hero as well. She takes such good care of him. They are so blessed to have each other! They are facing this with faith, optimism and strength.
This week Cole was supose to start his second round of chemo but he was low on platelettes and so on Tuesday he had a blood transfusion. After another week of recouping they will see if he is able to resume chemo.
Thanks again for all the prayers, love and support! You all have been so generous and caring. We have amazing friends and family! : D